Monday 30 June 2014

Right, launch route announced.  We leave Battersea Park by 8.30am on Sunday 20th July (it says here) and then a carnival of the mad and deluded will wend itself through Central London 'like a drunken rusty snake' (it also says here) before reaching Tower Bridge by 10.30. Then we are off!  Hopefully see lots of you there.....

Friday 27 June 2014

The fourth and central member of our team, Nic.  Without her we would not be going.  She has organised us, chased and sorted visas, done all manner of support and admin and stuff, as well as being a wise counsel at every turn.  Her role when we set off is to be 'Mission Control' back in London, keeping tabs on our progress and being the central point of all comms. Nicola Riggs, we salute you!!!

Monday 23 June 2014

This is The League's badge.  Loosely based around a Chinese Warlord design from about 1910, to reflect our wargaming interests (Central Asia 1917-1926). Available as a high quality enamel button badge for those who are interested. £3, and all money goes to the cause!

What are we doing (and why?)

Firstly, thank you for taking the time to reads this blog, which will chronicle the exploits of 'The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers' (Google us to read about this madness....) and their attempt to drive half way around the world, from London to Mongolia, about 10,000 miles in all, whilst taking part in the 2014 Mongol Rally.  
Why are we doing this? As some of you will know, my younger sister died in May 2013 of a misdiagnosed melanoma. It started under her big toe and ended up in her brain, and killed her very quickly indeed.  She left behind a wonderful husband and three lovely young teenage girls.  
The cancer spread so fast that I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to her properly, and so in her memory, and to raise awareness of the awful dangers of melanomas, I - and two equally unhinged friends, Rodger Williams and Peter Martin - have decided to raise £100,000 for MASScot by taking part in the 2014 Mongol Rally.
You can donate here:  Any amount, large or small, will be very gratefully received.

Here's a couple of pics of the car that will hopefully get us there. A 1L Ford B Max.  The main rally rule on the cars is that you dont drive in a car of more than 1L.  So that parts ticked.  It also states that you should use an old banger, 'from your granny'. Well as my granny died in 1973 that was never going to happen.  However as the combined ages of Rodger, Peter and me is well north of 160, I think that is suitable compensation.