Thursday 14 August 2014

Irkutsk, 15th August

And so onwards, ever onwards....

Next stop was Almaty, a pleasant 19th century Russian colonial town nestling in the foothills of the mountains.  Used to be the capital until the great leader decided to build a new Richard Rogers and Norman Foster glass and steel fest capital in the desert a few years ago (Astana).  However it was cool, pleasant, friendly and had a fab pizzeria.  You crave the normal things from your life more than you'd expect on these trips and so when this place present itself we wolfed down a very good pizza and cold beer.  Didn't take any pics however....

Next day was another big driving day with all the usual lunacy on the roads, including a mosque made out of a jelly mould, a nightmare killer hay lorry, and weirdest of all, in the middle of nowhere, and entire town in the desert comprised solely of casinos....

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