Tuesday 12 August 2014

Novosibirsk, Siberia, Tuesday 12th August

And so onto the loveliness and wonder that is Uzbekistan  History is everywhere here, form the dawn of time, through to the conquests of Alexander, the Parthians and Sogdians, the desolation of Ghengis Khan through to the enlightenment of Tamerlane (for his own folk), and right through to the British intervention in the region in 1918.  I love it, the country, its history and most of all its people.  Everywhere we went we were welcomed and celebrated. If you haven't been, you must go.

First up was the wondrous mystery that is the ancient city kingdom on Khiva. We crossed the Oxus to get here, one of the great ancient rivers of the world, which Alexander crossed in 329 BC, using inflated goats skins to float his way.  We met up with our good friend Bibi, the guide who showed Rory and me around last year.  

Our good friend Bibi

My son Rory (right) and his two team mates, Andy (centre) and Ben (left) who are also doing the Mongol Rally

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