Sunday 17 August 2014

Ulaanbaatar, 18th August

The 16th August was a day of anticipation.  We might, just might, make it to Ulaanbaatar.  There were 300 odd miles to cover, over unknown road conditions.  However the biggest unknown of all was the border crossing.  All the reading we had done suggested this could take a full day to cross.

So, up early, packed and ready to go at 7.30am when we hit our first problem.  Pete was reversing the car over a small rise when the mud flap caught in the wheel and almost ripped the entire rear panel off as well as more or less removing the internal wheel arch.  We realise that is was a design fault in the flaps we had fitted. Either make them snap off if this happens (as per what land rover do) or make them much shorter.

We fixed it with swiss army knife, some gaffa tape and a couple of cable ties.  I don't think there's anything in the world that can't be fixed by some combo of these three items.  We had however lost a vital hour.

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