Tuesday 12 August 2014

Novosibirsk, Siberia, Tuesday 12th August

The one part of Weirdistan we did like was the ruins of the ancient Parthian capital at Nisa. Founded in 250BC, it was worth it alone to see Rodger whimpering. The Parthians seriously put the wind up the Roman Empire, especially after the battle of Carrhae in 53 B.C.  This was one of the most catastrophic defeats Rome ever suffered, with an army of 44,000 men wiped out. The Roman commander was Crassus, one of Julius Caesar's killers.  Renowned for his greed, the Parthians reportedly poured molten gold down his throat in mockery of this reputation. An interesting footnote is that some of the (Spanish) legionaries captured in this battle were enlisted to fight for the Parthians, and transferred to their eastern border with China, where once agin they were captured and transferred to a remote part of China, where the legend lives on today.....

Rodger  A happy man

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