Thursday 14 August 2014

Irkutsk, 15th August

Kazakhstan is absolutely enormous.  It's bigger than all of Western Europe put together. And with only 17million inhabitants it is also very, very empty.  We had to get across it as quickly as possible, which would have been hard enough if it wasn't for the fact that its in the middle of the largest road building programme in the world (its a very rich in oil and is one of the worlds biggest wheat producers, so can afford it).  So, when we hit a finished bit it was very good and very fast, but as the majority of it is 'work in progress', it made for some very long sessions in the tumble dryer.....

At least the border crossing was the most efficient and pleasant of all the 'stans.  Still bloody long and bureaucratic mind you...

Our first night's stop was in Shymbek.  The Dodge of Kazakhstan.  Our hotel was described as boutique.  Well, if faux chipboard walls, a wipe clean floor, a remote control encased in thick clear rubber (its just solo wrong on so many levels) and a bog where you had to put one foot in the shower and one in your bedroom to operate the 'seat' is boutique, then...well, I'll leave you to work it out....

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